Setup Picture

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The Setup Picture is a single page document.

  • Page 1 prints the 3D view of the eye and plaque based on its current size and view in the Patient Setup window. As a convenience, you can rotate the 3D view here in the document preview using the cursor as a track-ball just as in the Patient Setup Window. To enlarge the picture, change camera focus, customize the appearance or otherwise manipulate the 3D view, you will need to do those things in the Patient Setup window. There are currently no layout or other printing options for this document.
  • The print buttons at the upper left of the window initiate either single document or document group printing.
  • The checkboxes below the document selection buttons at the top of the window indicate which documents will be included in group printing.
  • You can customize a document by clicking the Options button, by double-clicking in the middle of the document window, or by selecting any of the Document Options... menu items. There are currently no printing options for the Setup document.