Loading Instructions

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The Loading Diagram is normally a one or two page document. You may optionally choose to print page1 and/or page 2. If you disable both pages 1 and 2, a single page composite report will be printed. In the composite report, which was the format used prior to PS version 6.7.7, the space available to illustrate the plaque loading might become very small.

  • Page 1 prints a list of the radionuclide source inventory used in the plaque and, space permitting, a facial view of the plaque that illustrates where each source is to be inserted or glued, and the strength of that source at the scheduled insertion time of the implant. As illustrated in the examples above, each inventory entry is assigned a background tint color (e.g. white and blue). The seed mounting positions in the plaque may be marked as either empty, or color tinted (e.g. white or blue) to match the inventory tinting. This enables you, at a glance, to determine where seeds from different (e.g. intensity modulated) inventories are located in the plaque. Page 1 may also include text directives to IsoAid regarding lead lined eye shields, the style of "dummy" suture template desired, and so on... This is the most important document to provide to IsoAid so they can assemble your plaque properly.
  • Page 2 prints possible supplemental loading instructions as well as facial and back-side views (useful for COMS style plaques whose seed carriers are loaded from the rear) of the plaque that also illustrate where each source is to be inserted or glued and the strength of that source at the scheduled time of implant.
  • The print buttons at the upper left of the window initiate either single document or document group printing.
  • The checkboxes below the document selection buttons at the top of the window indicate which documents will be included in group printing.
  • You can customize a document by clicking the Options button, by double-clicking in the middle of the document window.