Plaque Simulator Preferences

The preferences settings for Plaque Simulator are accessed from the Plaque Simulator menu.


Preferences are grouped into 7 user interface panes and 10 printed document panes.

IMPORTANT: Preference settings are saved to Users/your username/Library/Application Support/Plaque Simulator/PSPreferences.plist. To make runtime changes to preference settings permanent you must update the preferences file by clicking the Save Preferences button located at the lower left of the preferences window before quitting the program.

Toolbar controls

The icon buttons in the toolbar switch between groups of preference settings. The group of 7 on the left (Basic..Colors) are primarily for customizing the user interface of the application, whereas the group of 10 on the right (Documents..Images) are primarily used to customize the appearance of printed documents.

  • Basic: Many user-interface and localization parameters.
  • Model: Eye and plaque models and 3D rendering.
  • Users: Default authorized user, teams and email.
  • Images: Automatic ruler initialization.
  • Dates: Date and time formats.
  • Folders: Destination folders for Plaque Simulator application support and patient files.
  • Colors: Color settings for models and windows.

  • Documents: Document groups and margins.
  • Plan: Treatment plan document customizations.
  • Retina: Retinal diagram document customizations.
  • Load: Plaque loading document customizations.
  • Isodose: 2D Planar dosimetry document customizations.
  • Histogram: Histogram document customizations.
  • Points: Points of interest document customizations.
  • Profiles: Dose profile lines document customizations.
  • Misc: QA document customizations.
  • Misc: Summaries document customizations.
  • Misc: Plaque document customizations.
  • Image Set: Images document customizations.

Footer controls
  • Save Preferences: Preference settings are saved to Users/your username/Library/Application Support/Plaque Simulator/PSPreferences.plist. To make runtime changes to preference settings permanent you must update the preferences file by clicking this button.

  • Standard: Click this button to reset the preferences displayed in any of the various preference panes to their standard default values. If you option-click this button, you will be offered an opportunity to reset ALL preferences (except folders and the default authorized user) to their standard values, or to reload the most recently saved preference settings.