The Patient Setup Window

Setup window

The Setup window provides a 3D view of the plaque, anatomy, tumor, the suture eyelets and their scleral coordinates. The 3D model behaves like a virtual trackball. For instance, to rotate the 3D model of the eye, set the cursor mode to drag eye and click anywhere on the eye and drag. To drag the plaque on the eye, set the cursor mode to drag plaque and then click on a plaque and drag it.

The status line just below the titlebar indicates which eye is being modeled and the current coordinates of the plaque center.

In addition to the buttons in this window, other setup parameters are adjustable from the Setup menu which is added to the menu bar any time this window is frontmost.

Cursor controls

The buttons along the top of the window control cursor behavior and the point in eye modeling space which the OpenGL 3D rendering camera looks at and orbits.


Drag eye

Sets the cursor mode to drag eye.


Drag plaque

Sets the cursor mode to drag the plaque on the eye.


Point on eye

The next cursor click on the eye sets the rotational origin to that point.


Point on plaque

The next cursor click on a plaque sets the rotational origin to that point.


Home View (eye center)

Sets the rotational origin to the center of the eye.


Plaque center

Sets the rotational origin to the center of the active plaque.


Eyelet center

Sets the rotational origin to the center of the next eyelet of the active plaque. Click again to advance from eyelet to eyelet.


Slot center

Sets the rotational origin to the center of the currently selected slot of the active plaque.


Point of interest (POI)

Sets the rotational origin to the center of the currently selected point of interest. Click again to advance from POI to POI.

Left side controls

The buttons on the left of the Setup window (from top to bottom) control various setup parameters:

  • Eye - selects left or right eye.
  • Target - rotates the model for best view of the tumor base.
  • Size - opens the eye size dialog.
  • Offset - opens the plaque offset dialog.
  • Lock - prevents the plaque from being moved when rotating the eye in "trackball" mode.
  • Autotrack - forces the 2D planar dosimetry surface (e.g. meridian or equatorial) to move with the plaque.
  • Plaque rotation - rotates the plaque around its central axis. The arrows on this control rotate the plaque clockwise or counter clockwise in 1 or 90 deg. increments. You can enter the plaque angle from the keyboard by double clicking on the text field at the center of the control. You can also drag the indicator.
  • Plane position - this pair of directional controls immediately below the plaque rotation control duplicate the functionality of the 2D planar positioning controls in the Dosimetry window. The plane affected will be either the meridian or equatorial plane depending on which plane is currently selected in the Dosimetry window. The meridian plane rotates around the Anterior-Posterior (AP) axis of the eye. The equatorial plane is perpendicular to the AP axis and can be moved between the two poles.
  • Rotate model - this group of six green directional controls rotates the 3D model around the indicated coordinate axis.

Right side controls

The buttons along the right side determine which anatomic and geometric elements are rendered in the 3D model:

  • Sclera - Renders scleral surface.
  • Retina - Renders retinal surface.
  • Cornea - Renders corneal surface.
  • Nerve - Renders the optic nerve.
  • Lens - Renders the lens.
  • Muscle - Renders the approximate locations at which muscles attach to the eye.
  • Fundus - Textures the retinal surface using a digitized fundus photo.
  • Tumor - Renders the tumor volume.
  • LandMk - Renders digitized landmarks such as blood vessels.
  • Plaque - Renders the plaque.
  • Seeds - Renders the radioactive sources.
  • Sutures - Renders suture points on the scleral surface.
  • Axes - Renders the x,y,z coordinate axes.
  • Plane - Renders the current 2D dosimetry surface.
  • Points - Renders all point-dose calculation positions.
  • Profiles - Renders dose profile lines.
  • Meridian dose - Renders dose to the planar meridian surface.
  • Coronal dose - Renders dose to the planar coronal surface.
  • Retinal dose - Renders dose to the retinal surface.
  • 3D dose - Renders a 3D isodose surface.

Footer Buttons
  • Window size - Opens the Window Size Dialog dialog.
  • Zoom out - reduce maginification, moves the 3D viewpoint away from the eye.
  • Zoom in - increase maginification, moves the 3D viewpoint towards the eye.
  • Home - centers the eye in the window and returns to the original magnification.
  • Plaque design - quickly optimizes the 3D appearance for designing new plaques.
  • Appearance - controls the appearance of rendered elements.

Eye Menu | View Menu | Setup Menu | Guide Contents