The Plaque Loading Window

Plaque window

The Plaque window is used to select a plaque, load sources into a plaque, and design new plaques. In this example the file COMS14P.iplq has been loaded. The "P" in the file name "COMS14P.iplq" indicates that this plaque model includes an embedded scanned photo of the plaque.

The status line just below the title bar indicates the active plaque index (P1..P4), the number of source positions or "slots" in the carrier (13 in this example), and information concerning the current radionuclide inventory selection (in this case the inventory name is "00000000", it is a batch of IsoAid I-125 sources, and 6 of the 13 seeds are still available).

To load sources into a plaque, select a batch of sources from the radionuclide inventory by clicking on the Sources button (you can also use the Isotope menu to select sources). The status line will change to reflect the active inventory selection. Set the cursor mode to Load slot, and then click on a slot position placeholder. Slot placeholders typically appear as thin brown lines. Filled positions are drawn with a 3D rendering of the source. To return a source to the inventory, simply click on it. As you add sources to the plaque they will also appear in the Setup window if plaque and seed rendering is enabled in that window.

In addition to the buttons in this window, numerous other parameters are adjustable from the Plaque and Radionuclide menus which appear on the menu bar any time this window is frontmost.

Cursor controls

The buttons along the top of the window control cursor behavior.

Load slot

Sets the cursor mode for loading and unloading sources into the slot placeholders.


Drag and rotate slot

Sets the cursor mode for dragging and rotating source slots.


Drag slot label

Sets the cursor mode for dragging a slot's label position.


Edit slot parameters

Sets the cursor mode for editing a slot's parameters.


Cut slot

Sets the cursor mode for deleting slots from the plaque.


Select slot

Sets the cursor mode for marking slots in the plaque for some future action such as copying parameters to the clipboard.


Paste slot

Sets the cursor mode for pasting slot parameters from the clipboard.


Slot info.

Sets the cursor mode for displaying additional slot loading parameters.

Left side controls

The buttons on the left of the Plaque window (from top to bottom) control various aspects of the plaque and its display in this window:

  • Plaque 1..4 - selects the active plaque. Plaque simulator supports up to 4 plaques per plan. The default condition is to allow only one of these plaques to be "active" at any time for dosimetry purposes. In most instances you will simply use plaque #1 for planning, with plaques 2..4 reserved to optionally compare alternate plaque designs and loading patterns.
  • Single pane - The window displays only 1 pane showing the active plaque.
  • Quad pane - The window shows 4 panes, the pane of the active plaque is bounded with a thicker black frame.
  • Rulers - Superimposes a ruled grid on the plaque to assist with plaque design. The rulers can be dragged by clicking on them.
  • Labels - Labels each source with its strength at time of implant.
  • Carrier rotation - if a plaque has a carrier (such as the COMS and ROPES plaques) this control rotates the carrier around the central axis of the plaque. The arrows on this control rotate the carrier clockwise or counter clockwise in 1 or 90 deg. increments. You can enter a carrier angle from the keyboard by double clicking on the text field at the center of the control. You can also drag the indicator.
  • Sources - Opens the radionuclide inventory dialog.
  • Picture - enables display of a scanned picture of the plaque if one is available.
  • Load - Loads all source positions in the active plaque with the current inventory selection.
  • Unload - Returns all sources in the active plaque to the inventory.
  • Front (view) - Switches between frontal (concave) and back (convex) views of the plaque.
  • Lock - Locks the isotope in a plaque. A password is required to unlock and remove isotope from a locked plaque. Locking a plaque is primarily used to protect permanently loaded plaques files such as the BEBIG Ru-106 plaques.

Footer Buttons
  • Window size - Opens the Window Size Dialog dialog.
  • Zoom out - reduce maginification, moves the 3D viewpoint away from the plaque.
  • Zoom in - increase maginification, moves the 3D viewpoint towards the plaque.
  • Appearance - controls the appearance of rendered elements.

Isotope Menu | Plaque Menu | Optimize Menu | Guide Contents