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Images Preferences

The Plaque Simulator DICOM importer supports all uncompressed and RLE compressed 8 and 16-bit monochrome DICOM image formats, many of the various DICOM color formats and encapsulated "baseline" JPEG images. Many other common image file formats (eg. TIFF, GIF, JPG etc...) are supported via the QuickTime graphics importers.

Plaque Simulator creates both a 32 bit "color" and a signed 16 bit monochrome pixel density image with "window & level" capability from each image file opened. The raw data range is the anticipated range of pixel density values in the image. The display range represents the lower and upper bounds of the raw data which are displayed as 256 levels of gray. These bounds are expressed as a fraction of the raw data range. Physical density values for the image window limits may optionally be entered. Since DICOM is an evolving standard, you can provide hints which help the importer in case expected information is not found in the file.


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