Radionuclide source quantity and assay data is maintained in the SQL database file PSdatabase.sqlite which is located in Plaque Simulator's master data folder.
The inventory window is accessed by clicking the Source button in the Plaque Window
Typically, you will create at least one New entry for the currently planned patient and plaque. You will need to create additional new entries for the different strengths used in an intensity modulated plaque. This example illustrates a plaque that uses 21 seeds and 2 seed strengths, (8) 1.5 mCi seeds in the perimeter ring and (13) 1.0 mCi seeds elsewhere in the manner of a classic Paterson-Parker (aka Manchester System) surface or planar implant.
As a convenience, you can also Clone entries that have locked calibrations in order to simplify reusing existing seeds for subsequent patients.