The Institution window of the Plan Menu is where you enter the institution name and professional identifers.
You can create institutional team presets in order to support multiple institutions or different groups of physicians (e.g. multiple ophthalmologists and/or radiation oncologists) within the same institution. To create an institutional Team preset:
Each member of a treatment team group may be tagged as being a recipient of email messages. Clicking the Send Email button in the toolbar transmits an Applescript message to the MacOS Mail app on your computer which creates an email message for the curently selected plaque, addressed and cc'd to the currently selected recipients. This message includes a brief summary of the treatment plan to which you may optionally add additional comments and/or attach an encrypted .pdf file of the full treatment plan. If you are comparing alternative plaque options you will need to create a separate treatment plan document and email for each alternative (e.g. plaque 1 vs plaque 2). In the Email group box you may elect to subdivide your plan (and email) to meet email attachment file size limitations.
The Treatment time zone group enables the Plaque Simulator (PS) application to operate as if it were located in a time zone other than the computer's local time zone. This feature is disabled by default and PS uses your computer's local time zone and calendar to calculate plaque removal time and/or implant duration in order to calculate the required source strengths at the time of plaque insertion. The primary reason for setting an application specific time zone is to plan a treatment that will take place in a time zone that observes daylight saving time differently than the local time zone of the planning computer for those infrequent instances when a daylight saving clock change occurs during the implant period and the plaque removal time is predetermined. More about time zones, how to enable this feature, and an example will be found in the Dates Preferences page of this user guide.