A thin film of Ru-106 is encapsulated within a sheet of pure silver (Ag 99.99), with a total thickness of 1 mm. The plaques are hemispherically shaped with a radius of 12-14 mm. The applicator's surface is polished metal. The plaques have rounded edges, a homogeneous lead seam and eyelets for suturing to the sclera.
The window on the concave side is 0.1 mm thick. The rear surface absorbs approximately 95% of the beta radiation. The dose rate on the central axis at 2 mm distance from the concave surface of the applicator is about 80 mGy/min (480 cGy/hr). The actual surface dose rate and other calibration data are provided on a certificate which comes with the applicator.
Ru-106 plaques are available from: Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG.
Inactive dummies made from silver or PMMA were at one time available for all types of applicators directly from BEBIG. The BEBIG inactive dummies can be distinguished from their radioactive plaques by a small hole drilled through the plaque.
Eye Physics can also 3D print inactive dummies for all of the BEBIG Ru applicators in plastic, castable resin, and/or cast in sterling silver. Eye Physics dummies feature a larger diameter central hole than the BEBIG manufactured dummies.