Plaque Offset Window

A plaque is assumed to touch the external sclera at the center of its concave facial surface, with its central axis directed towards the center of the eye. The plaque offset window allows you to offset and/or angularly wobble a plaque away from this assumed orientation. The default offset and angular wobble are all zero.

Stepper increments of 1.0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 or 0.0001 (mm or degrees) can be set using the stepper increment menus.


From the Setup Window click the Offset button

to open the Plaque Offset window.


When the settings in the Offset from external sclera and angular Wobble around plaque axes groups are all zero, the plaque will touch the external sclera at the center of its concave surface, with its central axis pointing towards the center of the eye.


To model an oblique muscle (e.g. superior oblique) passing between the plaque face and sclera, apply a 1 mm offset from the sclera per COMS requirement 12.2.6.


To model suturing a plaque anteriorly on an eye whose anterior hemisphere is oblate, adjust the plaque's attitude by applying an angular "wobble" with respect to the default orientation until the suture eyelets touch the anterior sclera. If the plaque face is spherical, the posterior portion of the plaque will lift away from the sclera.


For ciliary and iris tumors it may be necessary for a portion of the plaque to overlap the cornea. Use a combination of offset and angular wobble to fit the plaque to the sclera and cornea.
