Plaque Options Menu

The Options menu is accessed from the Plaque Menu of the Plaque Window.


These items enable/disable viewing options for the Plaque Window. Most of these view options are useful only when designing new plaques.

  • Slot Edges - Enables display of slot edges.
  • Slot Groups - Overlays each source slot with its Group pattern number G#.
  • Slot Index #s - Overlays each source Slot with its index number S#.
  • Slots with Sources - Only label slots that contain sources.
  • Perimeter Slots - Overlays each Perimeter source slot with the letter P.
  • Slot Modifiers - Overlays each source slot with its dosimetry Modifier factor (e.g. M1.000 - see Slot Editor window).
  • Source Placeholders - Enables display of seed placeholder lines for empty slots.
  • Source Center Coordinates - Overlays each source with the Cartesian coordinates of its center.
  • Source End Coordinates - Overlays each source with its end coordinates.
  • Source Polar Coordinates - Overlays each source with the polar coordinates of its center.
  • Source Angles - Overlays each source with its tilt angle.
  • Source Strength - Overlays each source with its strength.
  • Source Contributions - Overlays each source with its % contribution to the total dose at, optionally, the Rx point, fovea, optic disc, and/or if available, a selected user point of interest. Enable to identify which seeds contribute significantly, or not, to critical points when developing optimization strategies such as source intensity modulation.
  • Rx Pt. Contribution - Include source contributions to the Rx point.
  • Fovea Contribution - Includes ource contributions to the fovea.
  • Disc Contribution - Include source contributions to disc.
  • POI Contribution - Include source contributions to the selected point of interest.
  • Plaque Title - Shows the view title, FACE (concave view) or BACK (convex view), of the plaque in the window.
  • Plaque Name - Shows the name of the plaque in the window.
  • Plaque Icons - Shows view icons for the plaque in the window.
  • Facet Normals - Draw vectors normal to each triangular facet. Used to debug inside vs outside of enclosed surfaces.
  • Bad Triangles - Hilites triangles that do not share edges with exactly 3 other triangles. Used to verify the plaque surface for rapid prototyping.