
The Diagram Options menu provides additional options regarding the retinal diagram appearance. Items described as projections are actually on the external sclera 1 mm from the retinal surface that is being mapped.

  • Diagram - enables the retinal diagram.
  • Tumor - draws the tumor base on the diagram.
  • Tumor Margin - draws the tumor margin on the diagram.
  • Shade Tumor - shades the tumor interior.
  • Landmarks - draws any digitized landmarks.
  • COMS Chords - draws the chords required for COMS reports.
  • Plaque - projects the plaque perimeter onto the diagram.
  • Seeds - projects the radionuclide sources onto the diagram.
  • Grid - draws an additional ruled grid.
  • Labels - labels diagram elements.
  • Limbus Circle - enables the limbus circle.
  • Fovea Circle - enables the fovea marker.
  • Apex Marker - enables the tumor apex marker.
  • Muscles - projects muscle insertions to the sclera onto the diagram.
  • Muscle Names - draws muscle names.
  • Optic Nerve - projects the optic nerve sheath surrounding the optic disc to approximate the closest proximity possible for plaque notches.
  • POI - draws points of interest.
  • Meridian Plane - draws meridian plane marker.
  • Matrix - shows the matix grid.
  • Diagram parameters... - opens the diagram parameters dialog in which the optic disc radius and spokes of the diagram can be modified.

Diagram Menu | Guide Contents